Tag Archives: Doom

Doom links

The Doom series Wiki

It includes complete walkthroughs for every map of every doom game. It includes story background, history, speedrun paths and instructions for all secrets on all maps. The only drawback is that secrets are explained with text.


This is a great site for Doom 1 and Doom 2 resources. It includes the maps of all episodes with options to display keys, teleports and secrets. Secrets and teleports are displayed visually on the maps.

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Doom 3 in modern computers

In this post I explained in summary what you have to do to run Doom 1 & 2 in your modern PC. Doom 3 is a totally different story.

The reason is that ID released two games named Doom 3 which are considered totaly different by hardcore gamers:

  1. Doom3 (vanilla version). This version was released on 2004 and it is considered an old game. Doom3 vanilla version was designed as a thriller.
  2. Doom3 BFG, released on 2012. Doom 3 BFG was designed as a shoot em up.
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